Create a cookie policy

This module is designed to help you create a cookie notice. After answering 7 questions from the questionnaire, in the TEMPLATE EXPORT section, you will have the option to download the document named "Cookie Notice" in the form of a Word document.

If you process personal data of data subjects through cookies, you are obliged to inform them about it, in accordance with the principle of transparency and the requirements of Articles 12-14 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Information about the processing of personal data through cookies may be part of the privacy policy/data processing statement through which you inform data subjects about all processing activities of personal data that you carry out and provide them with information about the processing of their personal data as prescribed by the General Data Protection Regulation.

You can find more information about this topic could be find in the module privacy policy.

Detailed information about the processing of personal data of data subjects through cookies can also be provided to data subjects through a separate document called, for example, "Cookie Notice."

It is important to note that the information provided should describe the actual state of the website, i.e., the actual types and categories of cookies, what personal data is actually collected through these cookies, what their actual purpose and storage periods are, who has the right to access the data stored in cookies, and whether the data is transferred to third countries or international organizations.

Therefore, the website administrator, if not sufficiently trained and capable of analyzing the cookies on their website themselves, should do so in collaboration with web developers and describe the actual state of their website related to cookies, rather than copying from another website just to meet the form.

Information about cookies should always be kept up to date. Therefore, when upgrading or changing the functionality of the website or any of its parts, which also result in changes related to cookies, it is necessary to adequately modify them according to the new situation.

Furthermore, it is very important that both the privacy policy and the cookie notice are easily accessible to data subjects, for example, in the footer of the website on all pages.

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Under what conditions can I use cookies on the website?